Want to become a local partner?
Digital education moment is NOW. Dominating this global opportunity calls for exceptional partners. Digital textbook sales are doubling every year. Blended learning in K12 schools will soon become the dominant schooling model. Mobile devices and Tablets in specific, become the de-facto standard for engaged digital learning. Timing is perfect to leave your mark. classoos is uniquely positioned to deliver a proven school-grade mobile technology solution that simplifies & reduces the costs, risks and efforts inherent when transitioning from paper-based to digital learning. Our partners enjoy a first-mover advantage in their respective countries selling & implementing best-of-breed mobile digital learning solutions for K12 schools while forging partnerships with local textbook publishers.
Hallswelle House,
1 Hallswelle Road, London, NW11 0DH
+44 (0) 208 922 3312