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Classoos Blog
Tech – the great enabler
Studying in the digital age: “There’s an app for that!” How tech, used well, has made studying so much easier.
Ben Masters
Ben Masters
December 13, 2023
Classoos Case Study: My Online Schooling Ltd – Emily Leask
Why digital books make so much sense for online schools, the unexpected benefits and how they brought our online school completely up to date.
October 15, 2023
A (class)room of one’s own: parents and pupils look to hybrid schooling
Parents are increasingly looking for schools that offer a hybrid teaching and learning model. The benefits of hybrid working have become more apparent post-pandemic, they’re thinking: why not extend this practice to our kids?
Ben Masters
Ben Masters
July 5, 2023
The features and benefits of digital textbooks you may not have thought of. Are you making the most of these?
I wish I’d had digital textbooks when I was a teacher. Here are some of the features and benefits I’d most enjoy. I’ve saved the best till last!
Ben Masters
Ben Masters
May 16, 2023
How digital textbooks save schools money: the 10 hidden costs of physical textbooks
Budgets are tight. All schools are having to do more with less. But digital textbooks can save money in the unlikeliest of ways.
Ben Masters
Ben Masters
April 9, 2023
In textbooks we trust: why teachers still turn to textbooks for lesson planning
We at Classoos have been researching shifting attitudes to textbooks in teaching. We asked teachers whether they use textbooks or not and why?
January 25, 2023
Saving the planet, one print run at a time
1959 brought us the first fully automatic camera, Eveready the long-lasting alkaline battery, the first pictures of the Earth taken from outer space, and Xerox’s photocopier.
November 27, 2022
How to help Year 7s step up to senior school this term
We’ve been asking teachers and looking at the research to put together some tried-and-trusted methods to help Year 7s step (or catch) up academically.
September 22, 2022
Getting uni-ready: the rise of digital textbooks in higher education
One of the challenges of university is adapting to new ways of studying: small seminar groups, huge lecture halls, day-long sessions in the laboratory, group assessments, independent learning – and so much more.
June 22, 2022
SCHOOL CASE STUDY: Da Vinci International School, Antwerp, Belgium
We spoke to Deputy Head, Mike Bramley about how and why they introduced digital books and how they find teaching and learning with Classoos.
June 6, 2022
5 top revision tips as we hit the home straight
It’s revision time. The time when students panic and realise how much they need to remember and teachers try to ensure their students have all the information they need at their disposal. With exams looming, here are some helpful ideas to get you to those all important great results.
Ben Masters
Ben Masters
April 3, 2022
PRESS RELEASE. Embracing the change: Classoos experiences rapid growth as schools go digital
Classoos is proud to announce a ten-fold growth in sales since 2020 as schools' digital capabilities increased and the benefits of digital resources became clear.
March 15, 2022
Reinventing the textbook: making the textbook your own
After years of making resources with scissors, glue sticks and photocopiers; digital textbooks allow teachers to build their resources and curate their textbooks quickly and simply - finally a new chapter in the history of the textbook.
Ben Masters
Ben Masters
March 3, 2022
Classoos: More than just an E-Reader
You’ve registered, downloaded the app, chosen your books and you’re ready to go, but hang on! Before you start, did you know that you can do so much more with Classoos than simply read the textbooks?
katie Zalel
katie Zalel
June 13, 2021
SCHOOL CASE STUDY: Surbiton High School
Improved teaching and learning experience and 1% gains
Tim Clark
Tim Clark
February 27, 2020
St Edmund’s College, Hertfordshire
Enabling students greater access to the resources they need, wherever they may be
Tim Clark
Tim Clark
May 26, 2019
Why online textbooks proved to be the right move
Improving teaching and learning through the smart use of technology
Karl Fry
Karl Fry
May 26, 2019
Heavy backpacks can be a thing of the past
Whilst the jury remains out on the damage that a young, growing body can sustain through carrying a heavy school bag, there’s no denying that it’s something that continues to concern both parents and teachers alike.
Tim Clark
Tim Clark
May 2, 2019
Can online textbooks really address the teacher over workload crisis?
Classoos believes online textbooks can tackle the triumvirate of overwork for teachers – marking, planning and data management
Tim Clark
Tim Clark
January 23, 2019
A light at the end of the digital publishing tunnel
Merlin John seasoned education commentator considers the issues facing traditional publishers in education and refreshingly offers a solution
Merlin John
Merlin John
January 7, 2019
Writing in textbooks : Critics or vandals?
Tony Parkin recalls his shock at receiving vandalised textbooks when he first went to school – and wonders if online textbooks like Classoos offer a solution.
Tony Parkin
Tony Parkin
November 26, 2018
Writing in Textbooks (part 2): Living on the margins
There’s a difference between defacing textbooks and making margin notes. Margin notes are an essential part of the conversation between you and the author says Tony Parkin. With online textbooks margin writing is part of the deal!
Tony Parkin
Tony Parkin
November 22, 2018
Just how do schools go about implementing a online textbook strategy?
Matt Britland former Director of Digital Learning, The Lady Eleanor Holles School and now Director of IT and Digital Strategy at Alleyns School explains his journey.
Tim Clark
Tim Clark
August 28, 2018
Some teaching, learning and financial benefits of using online textbooks in your school
Tim Clark
Tim Clark
June 13, 2018
Achieving 1.1 success is not as hard as you think! Digital devices for schools
The triumvirate of training, support and leadership are key to 1:1 provision in schools conclude leading education thinkers
Merlin John
Merlin John
April 18, 2018
Is the digital textbook revolution finally here?
Not quite - but at least all the pieces are now in place suggests Tony Parkin
Tony Parkin
Tony Parkin
February 21, 2018
Schools are spending £60,000, or more on photocopying; How much are you spending?
Reducing your photocopying bill by sharing your teaching and learning resources digitally
Tim Clark
Tim Clark
January 18, 2018
Schools need to do more to support girls to be confident using technology
What Lady Eleanor Holles School do to prepare their girls for working life
Fiona McLean
Fiona McLean
January 18, 2018
Are school backpacks too heavy for children?
Schools are looking for solutions to lighten the load carried by their students
Tim Clark
Tim Clark
January 16, 2018
The importance of digital textbooks and learning
With budgets dwindling, UK schools turn to digital solutions to provide materials to students.
November 1, 2017
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